3 Reasons to Use BuildingLink for Sales Process Management

An apartment building with an orange for sale sign on the balcony is part of the property sales process for this multi-family building.
Summary: A robust sales process begins with qualified leads and ends well after the sale with a full picture of all the steps in between. BuildingLink enhances the sales process by creating a comprehensive record for each lot. This makes handovers and future sales easier, faster and smoother for everyone.

Great sales figures come from knowing your product inside out and building strong relationships with prospects. This is as true for selling shoes as it is for selling homes. A robust sales process tracks leads from the first meeting to beyond the sale. Doing this gives sales teams the information they need to sell now as well as later. Not only that, it provides the feedback needed for sales teams to keep improving and optimising their process.

BuildingLink works hand-in-hand with your sales CRM to create a full picture of your property sales cycle. Using BuildingLink to gather and store information, deliver a seamless and strong brand image, and provide all the detail prospects need and want, boosts sales and creates a sense of community your prospects want to buy into. It also builds a complete history of each lot in your development, which is handy when buyers are ready to move on.

Painting a picture of the lifestyle prospects dream of to make your sales process easier

People don’t buy property. They buy the dreamy lifestyle a property represents. The bricks and mortar, recreational spaces and top-notch facilities are just ‘things’. It’s the secure space the bricks and mortar create that buyers want. The recreational spaces and building facilities are simply venues for community connections, freedom and easy outdoor living.

Using BuildingLink for your branded messages, newsletters and updates gives prospects a feel of the community you are selling without being overt or ingenuine when showcasing your development’s features. It provides a taste of the lifestyle they’re dreaming of. That little taste is a powerful motivator for buyers to invest.

BuildingLink does more than help create the community prospects are keen to buy into. We support the sales process in other ways too.

1. Build a complete product picture

When selling lots in your development, buyers will make different choices. BuildingLink’s custom fields enable sales teams to track extras, upgrades, and client notes so nothing is forgotten and the buyer’s wishes are met.

Once your building moves from the development phase to the settlement and defect phase and is eventually handed over to the building management team, a full record of the building’s evolution is available. This information is invaluable to management teams. It allows them to gain a complete understanding of residents’ situations and needs.

It’s also helpful for reviewing your sales process and spotting what worked and what didn’t. More than that, it provides a full picture of the apartment. Complete product knowledge boosts sales because salespeople can answer all of their prospect’s questions and more!

2. Personalise the finer details

There is a mountain of paperwork that comes with each apartment in a multifamily building. Generic documents that apply to all residents and owners can be stored and accessed from the general building library. This makes it easy for sales teams to give the right details to the right people.

Units with customised handover manuals, warranties, and user guides, can have these linked directly to the unit profile. That ensures their information is secure and always available when needed.

3. Prepare for the future

Apartments can change hands multiple times throughout the life of the building. A full record of the extras, upgrades and maintenance related to each apartment is invaluable when it comes time to sell.

BuildingLink creates a comprehensive history for each apartment from the first buyer to the last. This reliable single source of truth for all lots in a development makes future sales easier, smoother and faster.

Using BuildingLink to optimise the sales process

Once prospects are ready to become confirmed buyers, sales teams can add their information to BuildinLink for the apartment they’re buying. Custom fields can be used to note any upgrades or other details that are pertinent to the sale.

As the development progresses, marketing materials, alerts, reminders and notifications can be sent directly from BuildingLink. 

When it’s time to move in, handover manuals, move-in details and community tools are all ready and waiting to make your buyers grin! Using BuildingLink as part of your sales process boosts sales and makes the handover of your building to the management team smoother. Book a demo to find out how we can support your sales team.