BuildingLink’s Additional Products Improve Community Life

It’s the small touches that make a huge difference when standing out from competitors in any industry. When it comes to building management and apartment living, technology can enhance life and add value for residents beyond expectations. The technology behind smart buildings improves health, security and convenience to create spaces that people want to live in.

61% of Millenial residents in multi-family apartments want technology that increases their security. What’s more, 86% of them are willing to pay more for technological convenience and 65% of baby boomers are too. BuildingLink recognises the importance of creating attractive livable spaces and matching them with a recognisable brand people relate to. That’s why our additional features offer increased security, convenience and the ability to create an identifiable brand.


Creating unique community experiences

Our branded app lets developers put their colours, logo and style on BuildingLink technology or build their own unique resident’s experience. Residents are able to access all that they need, from documentation and move-in instructions through to daily apartment management, from a smartphone app that looks and feels like their own apartment complex.

Developers convey a consistent brand while providing a seamless resident experience that’s backed by reliable technology. Resident loyalty grows and the association between seamless community living, improved convenience and enhanced security is strengthened for the brand.

Convenient and secure

Despite your property running round the clock, the internet isn’t always on your side! With ConciergeLink, BuildingLink’s software can be installed onsite so you stay up when the internet goes down. Front desk instructions and capabilities will keep ticking over, even when the internet goes sideways – ensuring convenience and support for residents are maintained around the clock.

KeyLink improves resident security and building management accountability by tracking the use of keys across your building. All spare keys for the building are held securely by the front desk. When service providers, maintenance people or authorised guests request access, keys are assigned and recorded along with a signature and photograph of the person they were given to. Residents also receive an automatic notification when keys are picked up or returned, providing further peace of mind.

Resident passports enhance convenience for residents by linking their details to local offers and access throughout the building. The passports can either be digital and stored within the resident’s app, or physical plastic cards the same size as a credit card. Whether physical or digital, residents’ passports display crucial information about residents along with an i.d photograph.

Managing the building managers

Multi-family buildings are both homes and places of work for the people who manage them. Keeping track of building management teams is easy with the TimeTracker module which allows all team members to clock in and out with the simple press of a fingertip on the fingerprint reader.

Regular reports can be run to check attendance, breaks and create timesheets for HR and payroll. All hours are tracked and recorded to make work schedule management easier and faster.

These small but useful additions to BuildingLink enhance the convenience, security and livability of communities in multi-family apartments. Get in touch with us today to learn more about the features offered or to arrange a tailored demonstration of our software.