How to Get the Best From Your Master Plan Site With BuildingLink

Man placing a wooden model residential building into a model of a master plan site with other small scale wooden buildings around it.

Software that supports a master plan site through the development of each stage saves developers time and money while building connected and convenient communities. From pre-sales to ongoing building management, juggling the needs of buyers, residents and facility maintenance is easier with the right software behind you.

A master plan site is a grand vision brought to life over several years. These sprawling developments can encompass a diverse mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces. Each stage is meticulously planned and developed to foster unique lifestyles. 

When it comes to managing these staged developments, things can get tricky. You’ll need to juggle the needs of residents, businesses, and facility maintenance. All while simultaneously wooing potential buyers and tenants for the next stage of the project. This is where building management software can help. With access to a suite of powerful tools, you’ll be able to streamline operations and build a strong brand.

How to gain a bird’s eye view of your master plan site

Master plan sites peer into the future, carefully planning a large development in stages. Setting a masterplan site up with building management software at the beginning makes the management of pre-sales, residents moving in, organising documents and managing your community secure and simple!

Once you know where you are heading, we’ll create your development as a parent site in BuildingLink. This supports pre-sales with digital brochures, manuals, PSI bookings and move-in manuals for buyers. That strengthens and streamlines branding while cutting costs on promotional materials.

As you agree and put together community and development policies, you can add them to your master site document library. They’ll be ready to share with each new stage of the development. It’s the same for contractor lists and emergency procedures for the development.

With each new stage of your development, we create a child site for it beneath the parent. This allows you to share any information loaded for the parent site to the new building. That cuts your administration time dramatically, keeps you one step ahead of marketing and helps with presales for each stage of your master plan development.

Of course, each child site – or stage of the development – has full privacy and security for the related owner’s committee and individual policies, documents, and resident details.

Three benefits of choosing a master plan site with BuildingLink

Master plan site developments need high-level organisational skills to run well. By setting up your staged development with building management software from the get-go, you’ll have greater flexibility and support for each of the stages of your development. It makes being organised even easier.

Save time with faster communication

When your community needs to be notified about events that impact the whole development, it’s simple to send an email or SMS to each person quickly. If a burst pipe is causing water problems across the entire master plan site or a community event is being held in the central recreation space, your management team can let everyone know in seconds.

Share important documents with all stages of your master plan site

No more duplicating important documents or recreating policies. The parent site document library can include all important information for your development. Better yet, you can share these with each child site in just a few clicks. That makes pre-sales marketing easier and faster and keeps everyone on the same page with move-in policies and management procedures too.

Individual building policies and procedures can be stored in the child site library. There, it’s only accessible to the managers and communities of that building.

Create a secure space for everyone

The master plan site committee and individual committees and communities for new stages of the development all have their own secure and private space. Document libraries, procedures, policies and discussion boards keep details separate and secure so members can focus on their building’s needs.

Master plan sites aren’t new, but they are becoming more common. As local councils and governments look for ways to plan sustainable communities and manage our environment better, the need for software that supports these larger long-term developments will grow. BuildingLink has been supporting master plan sites for over two decades. Book a demo today to learn more about how we can support your master plan site!