Providing unparalleled insight across all your buildings’ operations, the MgmtCo Dashboard is a platform where you can monitor KPI’s, identify key areas in need of improvement, and implement effective strategies to lift efficiency – all at the touch of a button. This, in turn, gives you the opportunity to drastically reduce costs for owners, refining performance of staff members while improving liveability in your communities.
Some of the key metrics you can track in the MgmtCo Dashboard include;
- resident communication and engagement
- email and phone messages sent
- maintenance and repairs
- contractor performance
- resident data levels
- staff work activities
- patterns of login
- most frequently occurring categories of incident reports, key removals, or resident postings.
MgmtCo Dashboard in action
1. View Property Stats across your entire portfolio.
With this function, you can view and analyse:
- A list all your properties
- Properties by state and city
- Total units by city
- Average building size by city
- List of employees associated with each property
- Number of units and employees for each property
- Heatmap of building locations in a geographical range

2. View Resident Communication Stats across your entire portfolio
With this function, you can view and analyse:
- Number of email messages sent by Year, State, City and Building
- Number of resident calendar events posted, and by which buildings
- Number of voice broadcasts
3. View Maintenance Requests across your entire portfolio
With this function, you can view and analyse:
- Number of maintenance requests by year, state, status, property and maintenance category
- Average time to close maintenance requests
- Maintenance requests by total properties and total units
- Number of maintenance requests per 100 units
Offering these time and cost saving benefits, is just the beginning for the MgmtCo Dashboard. Our team at BuildingLink International are continuously innovating, to ensure you always have access to a ground-breaking, world-class community management software solution.
Like to know more? Please get in touch with us at [email protected]