Resident Parking Permit Nightmares and How to Solve Them

multi-family parking showing many cars parked with resident parking permits to manage each parking space.

Parking in multi-family buildings can quickly become a bone of contention when spots aren’t managed effectively. Residents may decide to leave when parking issues escalate. BuildingLink has two simple solutions for resident parking permits. Each makes managing parking easy so residents and building managers can happily get on with their days.

Mismanaged parking causes everyone nightmares. When resident parking permits don’t seem to be allocated fairly, it hurts the whole community. It can lead to people thinking the developer hasn’t provided enough parking for residents and guests. Even worse, it can lead to conflict between residents and management.

Parking is an early consideration for any development. Different factors dictate how much parking is built. The number of units, area of the development and proximity to public transport and shops are just a few considerations. Generally, newer buildings have more than enough parking to go around. It’s the mismanagement of parking spaces that causes people to see red!

BuildingLink banishes parking nightmares for residents and building managers with two simple and easy-to-use solutions. Which is right for you depends on how involved building managers need to be with monitoring and allocating parking for residents and their visitors.

How do resident parking permits work?

Multi-family buildings generally come with one or two parking spaces per unit. Each car’s registration is linked to the owner’s residence. When friends come to visit, residents request visitor parking permits for them. That allows visitors to leave their car close by without worrying about parking fines or irate neighbours. The building manager can check that all the cars in the parking lot are allowed to be there.

When residents change cars, they can update their details and safely leave their new car in their parking space. It’s all simple enough.

Buildings have policies on parking to make sure everyone gets a fair shake of the parking stick. Managing and enforcing those policies can become problematic when someone consistently over-books visitor parking spots or has more cars than their allocated spaces. That’s where BuildingLink’s resident parking permit solutions come in handy!

BuildingLink’s resident parking permit module

The parking management module in BuildingLinks’ software lets building managers keep a handle on which cars ‘belong’ to the building, who is booking visitor permits (and how often) and identify residents who may be using visitor parking inappropriately.

Resident parking permit rules, changes and validation can all be handled from one simple portal the building manager controls. This means the building managers control who’s making visitor parking bookings, how often they book, and how many bookings are made at any time so spaces are available when needed.

Using amenities fairly

BuildingLink’s amenity module can adapt to manage resident and visitor parking. The benefit of this solution is it allows residents to book and manage parking for themselves and their visitors through the app. This frees the building manager from micro-management of resident parking permit issues and empowers residents to play fair when it comes to parking.

Visitor parking spaces can be set up as bookable amenities for residents. Rules and guidance for booking parking spaces — how many spaces can be booked, how often and how long they can be booked for — can be included in the set-up of the parking amenity.

Empowering residents to take care of their resident parking permits and guest permits leads to a cooperative community. That’s because people feel they have the autonomy to take care of things that are important to them. It can also enhance communication between residents, owners committee members and management teams. Learn more about BuildingLink’s simple and effective solutions for building managers and book a demo today!