Run by Committee: How One Perth Building Created Harmony With BuildingLink

In a beachside suburb of Perth lies a 36-unit building without a dedicated Building Manager. This Perth building is run by the owners’ committee. Committee members take care of body corporate fees, maintenance issues, communication between apartments and record keeping.

Before using BuildingLink to support the management of the building, residents were kept informed by WhatsApp. Maintenance issues were difficult to record and follow through with. Documentation related to the building assets, warranties and policies was difficult to get hold of and share with others. The ad-hoc approach to building management was causing friction in the community, residents were having difficulty seeing the value they received from their body corporate fees.

After one too many complaints about maintenance and communication, the owner’s committee began looking for a software solution to their property woes. They needed something that was simple to use and would create transparency for processes while effortlessly tracking maintenance work and the day-to-day management of their building and shared spaces. After careful deliberation, the committee members decided to implement BuildingLink.

Making maintenance manageable

Although one of the building’s residents was happy to take on caretaking duties, managing maintenance issues was proving to be difficult. BuildingLink’s maintenance module enabled requests to be raised by residents, automatically recorded, and easily tracked to completion.

A pre-approved list of contractors for maintenance jobs streamlines the process further. Requests by residents for any type of work can now be forwarded to the correct contractor with just a few clicks. Each step of the resolution is automatically tracked so bottlenecks can be spotted swiftly and taken care of.

Regular inspections and preventative checks are carried out to the same standard every time, thanks to the inspection checklists. Now, crucial building care never gets forgotten. Residents are confident their building is being managed in a way that saves them money and improves the facilities they share.

Clear communication for all

WhatsApp is great for keeping in touch when everyone can join in. The problem for this seaside community was not all residents were party to WhatsApp conversations about their building. This led to games of Chinese whispers about building maintenance issues, community events and even committee forum policy decisions.

BuildingLink’s communication module put everyone on the same page. Conversations were open to all and community members in and out of the committee were included in crucial decisions and details. Dates that maintenance work was taking place and community events could be shared freely.

Sharing access to an extensive library of policies, bylaws and documentation about assets improved transparency across the community and relationships too. With BuildingLink, each community member feels valued and a part of the conversation about their home.

The building’s bulletin board and community calendar ensure everyone knows what’s going on in their building each day. The caretaker resident receives fewer complaints about work that needs doing and each community member has a hand in the smooth running of their building.

A happy committee-run community

This seaside community in Perth no longer wastes time searching for maintenance requests or smoothing over misunderstandings and hard feelings over missed messages. By streamlining their processes, breaking open their communication silos and sharing valuable information with residents across all 36 apartments, they’ve created a happier and more connected community.

“We save money on building management by being a committee-run building, but the headache we had managing maintenance and keeping residents informed just kept growing. Now that we have BuildingLink in place, things get done when they need to and everyone knows exactly what’s going on. It’s made our building a better place to live.” Perth building resident.

Interested in learning how BuildingLink can support your committee-run building? Get in touch for a free bespoke demonstration today!