Why BuildingLink is the Perfect Answer to Building Managers’ Problems

No two days are alike in building management. Keeping the wheels of your community turning smoothly and ensuring the building runs efficiently can be challenging. Resident requests, managing contractors, and keeping up with the day-to-day administration of your community can be hard work!

Having the right tools and system behind you makes building management better. Keeping track of the many different activities within the building and communicating with residents is simple with BuildingLink. Our community and building management software has been designed by building managers for building managers. We know the challenges that are faced each day and have devised the best solutions to meet them efficiently and effectively.

Keeping track of contractors and preventative maintenance

The ongoing needs of a building – inspections, maintenance work, and scheduled repairs – can be effortlessly scheduled with BuildingLink. All building assets and systems can be registered in the building database along with recommended maintenance schedules and inspections.

BuildingLink’s maintenance module allows recurring tasks to be recorded, assigned, and tracked. Reminders of inspections and preventative works will automatically appear in the building manager’s schedule. Approved contractors can be alerted to the required work and progress on maintenance issues is automatically tracked.

Inspection checklists for communal areas and shared building systems and assets ensure all areas of your building are checked when needed. Nothing is forgotten and each asset receives the same attention on each check, no matter who is on duty.

By scheduling recurring tasks, BuildingLink removes the risk of forgetting important works or missing necessary inspections that can leave warranties invalid. Building managers get more time back and increase their efficiency easily.

Resident requests and arrangements

BuildingLink saves time for Building Managers and adds value to each resident interaction with the resident portal. Maintenance requests, instructions for authorised entry to guests and staff, and bookings for shared facilities can be managed directly by residents through the BuildingLink app or resident portal.

Residents simply log into their portal and lodge their requests, instructions, or desired arrangements. These are recorded and directed to the correct building management team member to complete. Residents have 24/7 access to the BuildingLink system. Building managers can delegate work to streamline building management. Less time is spent on calls and emails so more time can be spent managing issues and responding to requests.

Professional communication

One of the biggest time drains for Building Managers is communicating with residents. Notifying people of planned work, unexpected issues or community events needn’t consume hours when communicating through BuildingLink. Building-wide communication is simple with electronic noticeboards and mass email and SMS functions.

Electronic noticeboards can be managed from a central point to display important building information and keep everyone aware of essential building details. When things are running smoothly, notice boards can display helpful information such as weather reports, latest headlines and parcel deliveries.

Professional email and SMS templates standardise messages and ensure each member of your community is contacted quickly with important updates. Mass email and SMS functionality keep everyone in the loop instantly with the same message. Residents remain informed and building management teams save time communicating effectively and efficiently.

BuildingLink’s building and community management system streamlines building management tasks, cuts time communicating, and adds value for residents. Building managers are able to get more done, offer a reliable service to residents, and manage the many aspects of their role with greater ease. Contact us today for a free tailored demonstration to see how we can enhance building management for you.