5 Building Management Software Features That Make The Biggest Impact

A man at a desk smiling about the comprehensive building management software features that make his day easier

Building management software features aren’t just a ‘nice to have’. They should make your day smoother, more productive, and more efficient. Asset trackers are great, and easy facility booking features make residents smile. But have you ever wondered which is the most valuable to building managers and their communities?

When you’re looking for the perfect software solution to manage your community, these are the questions you need to ask. Lucky for you, we’ve asked and answered for you. We ran the numbers and checked which BuildingLink software features gave clients the greatest value. There were clear winners. So without further ado, these are the top five building management features of all time. Well, for at least the past two decades or so!

Building maintenance management

Ask any building manager and they’ll tell you that keeping on top of maintenance for a building is tough! There are contractors to book, check and follow up with. Planned maintenance and the unexpected breakdowns that need fixing yesterday. And reports to run for committee members to show what’s done and what’s waiting to be sorted.

Nearly all building management software features include maintenance management and there’s a good reason too. It’s the most used part of any building software solution! Of course, not all software solutions deal with maintenance issues the same way. BuildingLink has the most comprehensive maintenance management solution you could wish for. Contractor databases, compliance records and automated workflows are just the start. The ability to add images and documents, let residents submit and track issues, and simple-to-use reporting features are part and parcel of our solution too.

Communication modules

Phone calls and emails easily eat into a building manager’s day. Efficient communication is crucial if things are to get done on time with as little frustration as possible! Communication features that use email and SMS make it easy to get your message across. That’s why our communication modules are the second most used building management software feature. It’s easy to see why.

Building managers can contact groups or single residents with a few clicks and swipes. They can even communicate via the smartphone app, so urgent alerts can be sent promptly. All communication is recorded and important details like maintenance requests can be tracked too. All that means building managers spend less time tied to a phone and more time getting their job done well!

Database management

Who’s who in a building is important to keep track of. When residents’ details change, like welcoming a new puppy or a new contact number, records need updating. It makes life easier, and safer, for everyone.

Database management can be a boring time suck! By empowering residents to take care of their details, building managers claim more of their day. But the best bit is your records are more reliable and up to date. It’s a simple and very effective solution to an age-old admin problem.

Shared facility management

Community facilities are one of the top draw-cards for multi-family buildings. Getting access to them should be simple and easy for everyone. Calling your concierge or building manager to book the BBQ or pool area is time-consuming. Plus it interrupts the work they should be doing. 

Shared facility booking and management features allow residents to take control of their home life without interrupting anyone’s flow! Community calendars and our user-friendly platform make it a cinch for staff and residents to find what they need quickly. Building managers save time, residents get what they need fast and everyone can get on with their day—simple!

Easy parcel delivery

Just as facility bookings can interrupt your building manager’s flow, so can parcel deliveries. With Image R AI solutions and clever parcel locker integrations, we’ve delivered a range of solutions for you. Choose the right technology to ensure parcels reach their destination without disrupting your regular routines.

Important building management software features

We’re committed to providing the very best support for building managers and their communities. These top five building management software features are just the tip of our software iceberg. Because our solution is developed by building managers just like you and keeps evolving with suggestions and feedback, we’re pulling further and further ahead of competitors. But that’s no reason for us to stop, our pursuit of excellence is endless. That’s why you can rely on us for the most comprehensive and reliable solution to your building management needs.