Have you ever felt your stomach drop when your bank notifies you of an unusual transaction on your credit card? Or maybe you’ve had a DM from your own social media account, telling you it’s time to invest in crypto. Cybercrime and identity theft are becoming more common with each passing day. It’s an unfortunate reality of modern living and just one of the reasons data security is a top priority for us at BuildingLink.
We have thousands of buildings and communities relying on us each day to keep things running smoothly. That comes with the huge responsibility of keeping personal and business data safe and secure. Not only that but easily accessible by the right people from anywhere with our resident and management apps. It’s a big challenge but one that we relish keeping ahead of.
How BuildingLink ensure second-to-none data security
We’ve always prioritised security at BuildingLink. In more than 25 years of operation, we’ve never had a single data security breach, and we don’t intend to let that change!
Originally, our software was housed on private servers. In recent years, we’ve moved to Amazon’s AWS cloud servers. This enables us to have greater agility and innovate faster without compromising your security or raising our prices. We’ve been careful to make this move in a way that doesn’t decrease our data security, rather we’ve enhanced it with these measures.
- We strengthened our data security team by 400%. The extra team members work hard to keep us ahead of the ever-evolving cyber threats.
- We’ve also had Macquarie Bank run an independent assessment of our cybersecurity framework. We’re proud of the “high to very high” score we were awarded across four different measures by their team. It’s just one of the ways you can be sure your data is safe with us!
- We’ve made sure our clients always have access to their data — even if they decide to leave us. We don’t charge for downloading your records and information because we want to remain transparent and fair with our subscription fees.
Who owns your building and community’s data?
Data ownership can be a complex part of software agreements. Usually, the information entered and generated by cloud-based systems belongs to the user. But not always. And of course, your software company needs to access your data and use it to deliver the service you’re paying for. So, what happens when you decide to switch service providers?
Sometimes software providers, like BuildingLink, give you full control of your information. Even if you decide to switch software companies. In other cases, the data you generate belongs to the software company that helped create it. And some terms of service leave ownership of data with you but charge for access and control of the information. That means you’ll pay to export your data from their system if you decide to move companies.
Service level agreements and specifics around data security and ownership should always be checked closely before signing. This will help you avoid unwelcome charges if you cancel your software subscription.
When choosing the best building management software for your strata or multi-occupancy building, data security should be top of mind. And don’t forget about data ownership either. You must be able to access your information from anywhere. It’s equally important that your community’s information remains safe, private, and out of the hands of people who may use it to harm your organisation or residents. We also believe your information should always belong to you—even when it’s made or stored on our system. Book a demo of our software to learn more about our data security measures for your building and community.